Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"His Ways, Your Walk"

This is the cover of the newly-published book of my dear friend, Lou Ann Keiser.  Lou Ann has been a missionary with her husband Roy in Spain for many years.  I'm excited for Lou Ann because seeing the message God laid on her heart in the form of this book is a dream come true for her.

This Bible application for women is a wonderful explanation of how to walk in His ways, complete with scripture to back up every statement.  With the experience of raising two children who have become fine Christian adults with families of their own, years on the mission field with her husband, and countless counseling sessions with women from many backgrounds, she is able to speak with authority and confidence as she advises women in how to live a Godly life.

The book contains such chapters as How Can I Know God's Will for my Life? / Where is Mr. Wonderful? / A Mother's Mission / Spiritual Gifts / True Satisfaction / and so much more.  Lou Ann's book can be purchased from Amazon.  Enjoy her blog at www.intheway-lk.blogspot.com.

I'm so glad Lou Ann is happy with her book -- and don't you love the cover!!  She said, "The process was long and hard, yet rewarding.  I am definitely happy with the result.  I feel like I did what God burdened me to do and that, in itself, is satisfying."

We are thankful Lou Ann was faithful in completing what God called her to do, because now we all have this wonderful book available to us to be used for God's glory. 

You go, girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for featuring my book! God bless you, Sandra.


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