Over the years, I have enjoyed taking pictures of some incredible sunsets all over
the world. Each sunset has its own special beauty and each one is a tribute to
the great artistic powers of Almighty God. The Master's palette is amazing!
All glory to the Creator of every sunset.
Jekyll Island, Georgia
Viewing a beautiful sunset from the pier on St. Simon's Island,
looking across the sea with Jekyll Island in the distance.
What a vibrant picture from the Master's palette.
A literal vision of "sailing off into the sunset."
looking across the sea with Jekyll Island in the distance.
What a vibrant picture from the Master's palette.
A literal vision of "sailing off into the sunset."
After leaving Aarhus, Denmark - 2017
The sea and sky have a silvery quality with just a touch of blue
beyond the clouds and a subtle wash of pink at the horizon.
The dark silhouette of a merchant ship pops on
the surface of the water.
Island of Dominica in the Caribbean - 2017
Clouds rising over the island appear to be on fire, lit by the sun
as it slipped behind the mountains. It was a dramatic display
of God's great command of color and scope.
Eastern Shore of Virginia - 2016
Color and light mirror on the water of the bay creating an
incredible picture of vaulting beauty, filling the
scene in breathtaking majesty!
Outer Banks, North Carolina
A big yellow sun hangs just above the horizon over the Currituck Sound.
A ribbon of cloud floats across its surface, giving it a front
row view of the sun's swift descent.
Outer Banks, North Carolina - 2008
This is one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. It was the
day after a hurricane blew across ocean and sand. The day after the storm
was lovely and peaceful, with this amazing display of color and cloud that
can only be attributed to the Master's Hand.
near Lake Havasu City, Arizona - 2018
The sky was full of color as we drove through hills surrounding sparkling
clear Lake Havasu. Clouds reflected red and navy colors against a
golden sky. It reminds me of the colors of a beautiful Navajo blanket.
The Outer Banks -- Corolla Sound- 2020
A bright yellow ball in an orange sky glimpsed between rooftops
Amsterdam, Netherlands - 2015
While this might pass for a sunset, it's really a sunrise. I'm slipping it in
here because I see so few sunrises in my life (I sleep late), and this just happens
to be an amazingly beautiful sight. After an entire night flight over the Atlantic
Ocean, we were greeted by the rising sun as we arrived in the Netherlands.
We enjoyed watching this yellow ball sink into the Elizabeth River
as it reflected on the rippling silvery water and on the
grand ole gray Battleship Wisconsin
Duck, North Carolina - 2023
We love to walk on the wonderful boardwalk in Duck and
watch the sun do its disappearing act. I like the way the colors were all
in the blue and navy family except for the splash of peach near the horizon
While this is not as beautiful as many sunrises I've captured, every sunrise has it's own personality (and it's the only one I saw on our cruise). The colorful horizon is topped with ragged gray clouds tossed around the sky floating helter-skelter to their next destination. Dark water looks like a cobble-stone street with its rough surface. Indeed, we had rough sailing for the first few days of our voyage.
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