Me, Myself and I
I recently took my precious little three-year old grandson to the local Children's Museum. One of his favorite play spots in the museum is this wall of small red pegs where he can stand on the other side and press his body into the pegs, creating a cool "mold" of his body. He made two molds and I was able to keep him from destroying them long enough to snap a picture of he and his "twins." Isn't that a sweet smile on his darling face?!
When I look at these three "bits" of him, it reminds me of the term, "Me, Myself and I." I'm in no way referring to a popular song by Beyoncé that uses that term. I don't know that song's lyrics and I'm quite sure their meaning is not what I'm after in this post. So, if you're familiar with her song, just put it out of your head (:
There's a quote made many years ago by an actress of another era, Loretta Young. She said, "I was deaf and dumb and blind to all but me, myself and I."
It's interesting that there is such a term as, "Me, Myself and I," because in reality, there are three parts to each of us. There is the body, soul and spirit, and although they are one within us, they are also separate elements of our being. If we use Landon in the picture above as an example, it's easy to see which of the three is his actual physical body. The two little guys seen from the back could represent that invisible part of ourselves known as our soul and spirit.
Since we were created in the image of our triune (three-person) God, we would necessarily be a triune person. We know the physical part of ourselves, let's peek at those two fellows with their backs to us. Scripture tells us, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit..." Hebrews 4:12.
First of all, there is the soul, which contains the personality, the imagination, conscience, memories, reason and affections. It's also the part of us that is targeted for temptation by the dark forces. The soul easily affects the actions of the physical. The lust of the flesh begins in the soul.
Then there is our second friend, the spirit, that inner part of us wherein is born faith, hope, prayer, worship, and salvation. It is through our spirit that we can understand the things of God that are revealed to us by His Spirit.
I say to you as Paul did to the Thessalonians, when he wrote to them, saying, "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" 5:23.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!" Psalm 102:1.
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