Thursday, September 12, 2013

Beyond the Sunset

Sunsets inspire me.  This magnificent sunset was taken looking across the Currituck Sound from Duck, NC.  Here we see a golden globe hovering above the distant fringe of trees, with a ruffle of purple cloud in front and a brilliant orange-red background, just below is a golden reflected path across the soft blue rippling water of the sound and in the foreground a black ruff of seagrass floating in molten gold -- it's hard to imagine anything more beautiful.  Yet someday, we as Christians will see colors and sights that are even more amazingly beautiful than this. 

There's a wonderful old song that speaks of the day when a Christian leaves this earth to live "Beyond the Sunset."  The song says it will be a "blissful morning" and so it will be.  The Bible tells us that No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.  1 Corinthians 2:9

Ever since I went through the Bible study by T.W. Hunt and his daughter, "From Heaven's View," I've been more excited about my future home in Heaven.  Rev. Hunt had a vision from God that included getting a glimpse of the physical aspects of that wonderful place.  Here's one of the things that impressed me, he said, "The most physically unusual aspect of the experience consisted of the colors - colors that did not exist on earth.  I saw flowers in colors far more dazzling than any crimson I had ever seen in this world.  Others were pastels more delicate than any pink or violet we see here....In some strange way my whole body participated in sublime details of those masterworks.  Every detail in that place was a masterpiece...all around me, had to be glory no human could create."

Besides the wonderful physical beauty in Heaven -- and indeed, even more importantly, was the vision Hunt had of Christ.  He said, "The strongest impression of the dream came through the eyes of the Lord Jesus.  His eyes poured forth the mightiest and yet the most tender love I had ever imagined...somehow His eyes fulfilled every need I had ever experienced."

Hunt wrote an entire page describing his dream and my heart was touched so deeply I wept.  The more we learn about our wonderful Lord and Savior and the home He's preparing for us, the more excited we will become about the glories that await us beyond the sunset.

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