Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Our Omnipresent God

Our Omnipresent God

God is everywhere - all the time, and He knows everything.  I don't know about you, but I find that truth to be very hard to imagine.  I know its true, but its hard to comprehend.  The Psalmist David said it well, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable" 145:3.

As humans, we are finite creatures  [definition: having bounds or limits...as of space, time, circumstances, or the laws of nature].  The limits to our being are quite evident if we stop and think about it.  Without extra gear, we can't jump across the Grand Canyon, we can't swim the ocean, we can't see around the corner, we can't add an inch to our height or years to our lives -- the list is of what we can't do because we are limited is endless.  I can't even reach a jar on the top shelf of my cabinet without climbing in a chair to get it!

God, however, is the opposite of finite.  He is infinite, meaning immeasurably, indefinitely, or exceedingly great; unbounded or unlimited; perfect; inexhaustible.  I'm sure glad He's "inexhaustible," aren't you?  Because, we certainly do try His patience on a daily basis!

I was reading in my devotional book this morning, Sarah Young's Jesus Calling.  She writes as if God Himself is speaking the words to us, saying, "Man has tended to make himself the measure of all things.  But man's measure is too tiny to comprehend My majestic vastness.  That is why most people do not see Me at all, even though they live and move and have their being in Me."

I was reminded of the verses in Isaiah that are so powerful:  "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord.  'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts'" 55:8-9.

I looked out the window at the beauties of nature in my back yard and I thought about how God is in everything I'm seeing, and beyond into the outer reaches of all that there is.  Such thoughts can truly overwhelm, but they also make us humble before Almighty God -- and oh, so, thankful that this infinite God reaches down and loves us and cares for every little detail in our lives.  Does He not know the very number of hairs on our heads?! (Matthew 10:30)

Let's praise God together as we view a few of His beautiful creations and rest in the knowledge that He is in and around everything.  "For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him, and for Him.  He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together" Colossians 1:16-17 NIV.

I snapped these pictures in my back yard this morning:

A butterfly at the back of my yard -- ended up
looking like a painting - God's work of art!

A few raindrops fell, refreshing God's lovely
green earth and offering cloud-cover from the heat

More beautiful hydrangas with blooms galore -
all standing upright in praise to their Creator

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