Friday, September 28, 2018

Insect Masquerade

I walked out onto my front porch and noticed what looked like a green leaf clinging to the brick.  On closer examination, it turned out to be an insect called a Katydid, or Bush cricket.  It's amazing how much this little fellow resembles a green leaf with legs.  He even has a brown spot on the top of him that looks like a bad place on the leaf.  He's quite the masquerader!

I just love seeing the vast variety in nature that God created.  How on earth could anyone ever believe these things happened by chance!  Below is a picture of another unique fellow who very much blends in with his background:

This "twig" as it looks like is actually called a Stick insect.  It's camouflage is about the best I've ever seen in nature.  I stared into this glass enclosure at the Durham Life Science Center and I had a very hard time distinguishing the insects from the twigs.  Our God is very clever!

Here is one of my favorite of the insects at the Life Science Center.  It's an Owl Moth, one of many in the Butterfly Room.  What looks like a big eye emblazoned on his wing must surely scare off some of its predators.  The "eye" is certainly a startling piece of its anatomy.

All of these insects are works of art, created by the Master Creator.  I thank Him for the great variety and beauty and even humor that He uses in His creations.

All of nature offers spiritual applications/messages and I can't end this without pulling out a message for us today.  As I view these insects and note the way they look like something other than what they are, I'm reminded how Satan (and his hoard of demons, as well) so frequently make themselves look like something other than what they are.  Scripture warns of this, saying, "For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light" 2 Corinthians 11:14.  Talk about camouflage!

Scripture tells us in many places how Satan and his cohorts "deceive the whole world" Revelation 12:9.  Just as these insects are out to deceive in order to devour their prey, so the enemy of our souls deceives in order to devour our very souls, or if we're Christians and he can't devour our souls, he'll do all he can to devour our peace and purpose.

Remember how subtle the enemy can be and beware.  Stay close to the Lord God and ask Him to help you recognize the enemy when he approaches you incognito.  So that in the power of the Holy Spirit you might be able to say as Jesus said, "Get thee behind me, Satan!  For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men" Mark 8:33.

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