Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Hoax



     How would you like to purchase a nice Ford truck for $7,000?  How about an extremely nice sectional sofa for $400?  How about a tractor for $1,400 and a freezer for $200?  These were just a few of the 35 items listed yesterday in a Facebook post from a friend of mine.  The 35 items were accompanied by photos that caused increasing excitement as I viewed each one.  The post had been up for 3-hours already and I was fearful that most of these amazing bargains had already been snatched up.

     I called my friend with a list of items that my son and I had decided to purchase, excited about this amazing opportunity.  As soon as my friend answered her cell phone, she laughed saying, "Are you calling about the items for sale?"  
     I said, "Yes!"
     She said, "It's a hoax.  Somebody hacked my Facebook page.  I've already had 26 texts this morning and numbers of phone calls."
    I felt like a deflated balloon.  I'd fallen for the "If it looks too good to be true, then...." hook, line and sinker, and with checkbook in hand!

     The definition of hoax is, "an act intended to trick or deceive people; a widely publicized falsehood created to deceive its audience with false and often astonishing information."
     Yep!  That sums up the Facebook hoax to a tee.
     The question is -- how did so many of us fall for something that on closer inspection seems way too good to be true?

     I guess we might say, we believe what we want to believe, not to mention a well-told lie can be very convincing.  Notice that the definition of hoax only used words like, "trick, deceive, falsehood."  The word "lie" was never used.  The father of lies (aka Satan) prefers to have that blatant and telling word candy-coated.  He loves it when people use the term, "little white lie."  It's as if he's created a little cupcake with white icing that contains a poison pill.  If it looks good, people will swallow it.

     I'm convinced that there is a spiritual message in everything we encounter and experience.  This cleverly designed Facebook hoax is just one example of a believable lie.  
     From the beginning of time, in the Garden of Eden, Satan has been lying and deceiving  people.  When God created a vast and beautiful garden for His precious creations, Adam and Eve, He told them there was only one thing in the whole world that they could not do -- only one thing!  
     Satan/aka Lucifer, the recently fallen angel who was ridiculously jealous of God, wanted to cause havoc on this beautiful, pure scene because he knew it would cause pain to his new enemy, God.  So, he spoke smooth words to Eve, telling her lies mixed with truth in such a way that he deceived her into thinking that taking a bite of the forbidden fruit was actually a good thing to do (read Genesis 3:1-8).
     Oh, my!  It was a lie followed by a sin that changed the entire world!  And, the strange thing is - Satan has been repeating a similar lie to mankind ever since - and it still works!
      Satan and his minions have continued throughout history seeking to deceive and turn people from God.  And millions of people have been just as deceived as Eve.  Scripture tells us, "And no wonder!  For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light," 2 Corinthians 11:14.  Once again, he wraps his ugly, deadly lies in a beautiful box and ties it with a bow - and people stand in line to receive his gift-wrapped box of death.

     The apostle John warned us, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world," 1 John 4:1.  John further tells us in his gospel what Jesus said, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," 8:31-32.

     Ah, truth!  Truth is the opposite of a hoax and it is the opposite of Satan.  Who doesn't want to be free?  I've never known anyone who would choose to be a captive in a cage over freedom.  Jesus is Truth and He offers freedom to all who will believe in Him.
     So, the next time you see or hear of something in the world that seems too good to be true, test it against the truth of God and - don't click on any links!