"You are my God. My times are in your hands" Psalm 31:14-15
Oh, my, but God is good! No surprise, I know, but I'm reminded anew of His infinite control over every tiny aspect of His creation. Just this morning He gave me one of those miraculous reminders.
Here's how it happened: I was just beginning to eat breakfast and read from the daily devotion by Sarah Young, "Jesus Calling." I'd previously been thinking about the myriad of things I have to do and even making lists so I'd not forget something. The previous evening I'd written an email to my sister lamenting about how we're (she and I both) always so busy with weeks (and even months) of things lined up to do. So, that was my frame of mind at the moment (and much of the time, for that matter).
Here's what I read as if God was speaking to me: "Thank Me for your problems. As soon as your mind gets snagged on a difficulty, bring it to Me with Thanksgiving. Then ask Me to show you My way to handle the situation. The very act of thanking Me releases your mind from its negative focus...."
After I read that, I thought, "What actual problem do I have right now?" The most pressing "problem" that jumped into my mind was the feeling of being busy, unable to get everything done that I'd like and need to get done, and the inner whining that seemed to go along with it. So, right then, I thanked God for all the things going on in my life and asked Him to help me to have the right attitude.
Before my thoughts had even fully formed, I glanced out the window onto my deck and saw a beautiful butterfly sitting on the leaves of my hosta plant. I was stunned, because I immediately realized that God was reminding me of the message of the butterfly -- a message I myself had written about in "The Butterfly" in my Joy in the Journey book. I smiled with wonder as I remembered the quote by Rabindranath Tagore, "The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough."
Not only did He send the butterfly, but He caused her to sit on the leaf for perhaps five minutes -- not something you usually see. I thought, "In spite of this little gal's short life, she's taking a breather and relaxing on the hosta leaf before she continues her job." Once again, I smiled at God's way of teaching me to slow down and just do your job one step at a time and be sure and take a breather now and then. If I'll just stay on the path God has for me, I'll "have time enough" You're awesome, God!
Oh! That the great God of heaven who is busy keeping the planets spinning and hearing the thoughts of billions of people every second would so gently and lovingly place a beautiful butterfly on a leaf to remind me of His purposes -- it just blows my mind and brings tears of praise to this great, amazing, incredible God! Not only did He send the butterfly to remind me about time and purpose, but also that He hears every thought, even before it is fully formed -- another wonder that just overwhelms me. He is never too busy to answer my (and your) needs.
This Father God that we belong to, He is so able and so present always. As the child's song says, "There's nothing my God cannot do!"
"...He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Philippians 1:6