Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Trees Shall Clap

A few mornings ago, I was enjoying time alone with God while eating breakfast.  My favorite devotion book is Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  As if the Lord was speaking to me, it read:  "Learn to enjoy life more.  Relax, remembering that I am God with you."

I sat there smiling before my Father and rejoiced in that moment when all was relatively well in my little sphere of the world, thankful God was in control of all things.  I realize I need to praise God for such moments - not looking in the past or in the future where clouds most certainly hover on the horizon.  He was telling me to relax in this moment, delighting in His goodness and His sure presence. 

As I enjoyed this time with the Lord, I gazed out the window at the lush green trees spread out across my backyard and they suddenly started blowing wildly -- as if they were breaking into a grand applause, clapping their leafy limbs in praise to the Creator we share.   I grinned at their enthusiasm and joined them in clapping - rejoicing in such an amazing and personal God who wants to delight my unworthy soul -- even sending a strong wind to cause the trees to clap.  It was truly a God-moment that I will remember.

I wrote my friend LouAnn about what I'd experienced with the trees and she reminded me of a verse I'd forgotten about - in Isaiah 55:12:  "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

I am just ecstatically delighted to belong to such an awesome God as the Lord Almighty. 

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